Feel free to write your queries to us
and we will get in touch with you
at the earliest.

Hindu religious services please call

Volunteer Seva
Volunteers are needed for various activities of our temple such as
1. Cleaning and upkeep
2. Ironing various deities’ Vasthram
3. Counting Hundi collections

Restoration Project Fundraiser
While we are working on our insurance claim, our revenues are negligible, but our expenses are higher, we need your donations to sustain.

Temple Services
For Non-Temple activities performed by Pandit Ji. Priest will be available for Non-temple/at home religious activities. It will be at the priest’s convenience. It is your option and wish to give any additional donation to Pandit Ji.

Excited to Reopen the doors of Big Building
A Humble request to all devotees : Please support HCS of WNY with your generosity by Seva (Religious Obligation to serve), your tax-deductible contributions and with your active participation in HCS of WNY events.

Hall Rental
Member organization fee is $800/- security deposit of $300.00 is required at the time of reservation. This deposit is refundable on the terms that the hall is returned undamaged and clean. The rental fee is discounted by 25% monday to thursday.
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To renew membership online, please fill the form above and select a membership category then pay using credit card or paypal:
Please enroll me (please select one drop down list) for the membership of Hindu Cultural Society of Western New York:
HCS 2025-26 Executive Committee

Dr. Vinod Chahal
Mr. Rakesh (Ricky) Verma
Vice President
Dr. Dinesh Sukumaran
General secretary
Mrs. Harini Karthikeyan
Mrs. Neeru Mehta
Secretary for Religious Affairs
Dr. Usha Pandey
Secretary for Education and Cultural Center Facility
Dr. Karuna Sharma
Youth and Sports Secretary
Mr. Pravin Patel
Centre Facilities
Mr. Sujith Narayanan
Rental Secretary
Mr. Pradeep Simlote
Building and Planning secretary